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Registration & Appointments


Prior to being scheduled, all clients are sent electronic registration & intake forms through the communication portal. Self-registration is the fastest & most comprehensive way to reach us.


The communication portal allows you to:​

  • let us know what you'd like to be seen for so you are given the correct registration & electronic intake forms

  • to ask more specific questions about working with us (see our FAQs link above too!)

  • to have secure messaging with your practitioner​

  • to have accurate contact information (phone #, email address, etc) as voice mails are often difficult in that regard

  • to access forms, booking or messaging on your own schedule

  • registration does not add you to an email list and we never share information​​


Parents/Guardians/Head of Household-- if you have a minor to be seen, please read the following: 


  • For the adult guardian of a 12-18 year old adolescent minor, we are legally required to create separate access for the adolescent minor to access their health information. Hence, please create your own personal guardian account at the link below. Then, have your adolescent minor do the same process to create an additional account for themselves. This means that for adolescents an account with their own name, date of birth, email address and phone number & login is submitted. Once you let us know in a message in the portal that you are the guardian, we will then manually link you as the guardian to the adolescent account. It legally required for the adolescent minor to have their own access. Once this is completed, the guardian will be able to login, click on your own name in the menu, and then toggle to your adolescent’s name to help with forms, messaging, scheduling and payments. The adolescent minor will have their own login and messaging thread with the providers. Both the adult guardian and the adolescent minor will receive appointment reminders. The messaging thread of each person is not visible to the other and we generally will post important information from sessions if needed in both threads to help keep everyone communicating fluidly.

  • For the adult guardian of an 11 & Under child minor, please create your own personal account. Then, do the same process to create an additional account for your minor child. Once you let us know, we will then manually link you to the 11 & Under child minor account and the child minor will not have their own login access unless you specifically request for us to do so.

  • If you have any questions about this, please feel free to set-up your ‘head of household’ account and send us a message so we can help further. Thank you! 



The portal is our primary communication pathway. In general, we schedule phone calls through there to be sure that all parties are available. If you are a practitioner with questions, please feel free to leave a voicemail with your contact information and ideal times for us to try to reach you. 






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