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Coaching is a blend of sport-specific training, individualized movement screening or assessment, and online training planning, as well as communication with your coach across your training cycle. Coaching is available in 4 week increment packages, with an increasing rate reduction percentage for each increased time committment. Each 4 week period consists of an appointment (60 minutes InFacility or Virtual). At the first appointment, and sometimes for re-screening purposes, we will complete the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) &/or other injury risk prediction testing or assessment tools. These measures help us to understand how YOU move and what YOUR areas of need are. For example, the movement screen helps us to create the cross-training workouts specific to YOUR needs in your training plan. There is a total max score, and in many areas of fitness (firefighting, NFL Combine, gymnastics teams, etc) if one scores below a certain level, they are considered too high of a risk for participation. In our setting, we will bridge between injury risk detection, to giving corrective and preventative exercises while helping you learn HOW to execute them correctly. For example, for running or triathlon, the online training plan will include not only the sport-specific workouts, but also an individualized cross-training workout based upon findings from the movement screen. Or, for Strength Training or Kettlebell Training, the cross-training exercises are included within in the online workouts that are programmed. Once you are logged into our portal, you’ll be able to access Coaching package purchases, as well as registration and intake forms. 

Coaching Package Prices Include:
*4 weeks of Sport-Specific Coaching +  An individualized cross-training workout routine that is incorporated to training plan + Messaging portal access
*One 50-60’ Fitness Appointment (InFacility or Virtual)
*One Month of Training Peaks 
*Additional appointments (InFacility or Virtual) while under the duration of a coaching package are at a reduced rate of $65 per 30 minutes, & may be booked ranging from 30-120 minute appointments, if needed. 
*Nutrition: General strategies and tools for training and racing based upon evidence & experience as needed. However, we will always stay within our scope, and are happy to refer and coordinate with various RDs/Registered Dietitians, either in our network, or that you have sought out. 

Annual Training Plan: For individuals or small groups who are interested in creating a longer training plan (>20 weeks) with greater amounts of periodization across seasons, variations in types of sports & amounts of communication contact, please inquire through our messaging portal and we will coordinate a call. 

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