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Individual Fitness
Our initial appointment will focus on looking at your current movement patterns, fitness routines & injury risk screening to establish what your goals are, and the pathway to achieve them. Follow Up appointments help you reach those goals, and can be scheduled either one-by-one, or through discounted package purchases. There are packages either for Fitness Follow Ups, or under a Coaching Package (make that a hyperlink to the Coaching page…) which includes online training plan creation and additional support & skills across a training cycle. Once you are logged into our portal, you’ll be able to access Fitness appointments or Fitness packages, as well as registration and intake forms. If you are currently having pain issues, please let us know that in the messaging portal and we’ll get you seen under a rehabilitation appointment so that all skilled treatment interventions, as well as documentation and licensing requirements are in place— so we can help get you back to fitness! Please be sure to bring your usual running shoes, as well as the shoes that you wear most in daily life; this helps us to understand wear patterns if applicable. 
Some examples of Fitness Appointments:
Annual Fitness Physical
Injury Risk Screening 
Movement Analysis   
Strength Training Question & Answer session
Pre/Post-Season Tune Up
Pre/Post Event Training
Concussion Baseline Testing 
Running & Gait Assessment
Foot/Gait/Shoe Baseline Testing  
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